Product Review Submission ProcessStep 1: Contact Us
Step 2: Once your product has been approved, we will provide you with a shipping address.
Disclaimer– When you send a review item, you are acknowledging that Gear Diary will be writing an unbiased review of your product. We do not “sell reviews”, and you can not buy a positive review by sending a non-returnable product or with advertising.
– We publish both positive and negative reviews; we will not ‘neglect to mention’ a product just because we didn’t like it. We are writing from a consumer’s perspective, so if your product is good, we want to let people know about it. If your product does not perform as billed, we want to let people know about that as well. – Manufacturer, Developer, and Supplier comments are welcome and encouraged in the comments section. However, the actual review text is always going to be the reviewer’s own. – You will not be given the chance to “approve” the review prior to publication, nor will you be given editorial authority of any kind. – Once an article is published on Gear Diary, we will issue updates as appropriate, adding “:UPDATED” to the title then changing any factual errors that have been brought to our attention and verified by us. We will not, however remove published posts. Upon the vendor or manufacturer’s request we will review updated products or applications when supplied to us. When the second review is posted we will add a link to it at the beginning of the original post. – You will be contacted if the item appears to be defective; as it is only fair that a working item be reviewed. – Gear Diary will not review vaporware or non-released hardware and software. While we will be happy to talk about your future product in a diary entry or specifically tagged as such preview post, it is not fair to Gear Diary’s readers to publish an “official” review for an unavailable item. – Items sent will be used during the review process. For this reason we generally do not return review items provided and never return wearables such as headphones or storage devices such as hard drives. – The following may occur with items which do not require a return:
– Please be advised that we do NOT return products such as memory devices or hard drives. Because we actually use them during testing, for security reasons we will not send back a product that has held any of our personal data. – You may be given a tentative date upon which the review will appear, we strive for 4 – 8 weeks after receipt of the item, but that is not always possible. We need time to actually discover all of the ins and outs of your product; our reviews do not regurgitate press releases, and these reviews may involve multiple installments and/or video. Actual publish dates will depend upon the complexity of the review item and the existing size of the Gear Diary team member’s review queue. – A link to the manufacturer’s site and a link to the product supplier’s site will be included in the review, along with MSRP and wrap-up comments. If there is a particular retailer that you would like linked, we would be happy to accommodate your wishes. Please click here to see an example of a review. We know that there are lots of review sites on the web and we appreciate you spending time on ours! |